Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I've been cut off ?!?!

Augh..I've found out that our Astro has been cut off ....Hmm..From what I understand from my father's phone conversations with the Astro staff....We pay by Auto-debit..but it seems that Astro forgot to charge my dad's account..All hell broke loose then...or summat like that =P...So we were stuck yesterday with nothing to watch...and what did we do with no entertainment ? Why..we watched a DVD of course ^^..Pirates Of The Carribean 2 as a matter o' fact..(Yes, I'm very very late..I know)....It finished at about 9:30 pm..So we went upstairs to watch Hero at 10 pm XD heh heh...Slept at about 12 yesternight..I just came back from school to find that Astro still hasn't fixed the problem..Oh wells...another DVD it is then =)


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