Tuesday, December 12, 2006

1 project down..loads to go..no will to finish em XD

Yee ahh!!..Finished the damned Bio project..I have no Idea why we had to do it in the first place..First pn. Mazuva said that there'd be no Paper 3 if there was a project and vice-versa..But then..omigosh..There's paper 3...And also a project..the fug...And how come A and B don't have to do it ? And for christ's sake woman..At least tell us that we were supposed to bring the frogs/toads/salamanders/lizards or something for the dissection..But nooo..All we did was watch the girls dissect em...(we said prayers of course..or something soothing for the frogs/toads..)...Then we got wind that that week was the last week for dissections..So...No more dissections after that..What is it with you ??!!..

Anyways..I still have crap loads of homework..Maths..The Physics project..the Physics Exercise book..B.M...am I missing anything ? I hope not....Well that's it then..I'm gonna go get me some answer sheets...(to check my answers of course XD )


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