Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I've just been to Sungai Wang..We had some ice-cream at Svensen's XD...We also bought some DVDs to watch..(Though..I still have loads I haven't watched yet)..Now..the part related to the title..I was walking past the elevator..When the door opened..I saw that they had a metal pole from floor to ceiling inside...Now I'm just wondering..But why..the h-e-c-k would you put a metal pole inside an elevator ? It's kinda in the middle too..Say I'm a worker there and I have to transport a big box or something..well..big..wouldn't the pole stand in the way? ..Or mebbe..they have strip shows in the elevators after hours ??!!?!..Mebbe like..after 11pm..the girls go inside..and anyone who wants to watch has to pay a fee..And they ride form the ground floor to the top about 3 times..that's the duration for each session ?...Cause if it's true..I am soooo ther...I mean uh...Ima report to the police !...(As soon as I get some pictures for proof of course)


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