從女人的層面去看, 男人在戀愛穩定後會變得很懶惰。
在追求時期出現過的驚喜及創意, 沒有了。
在熱戀階段出現過的細緻和心力, 沒有了。
他們再不會時時陪妳逛街, 也甚少再與妳通一個很長很長的電話。
到最後, 女人便會發現大部份的男人只愛躲在家裡休息, 就連出外吃頓飯也懶得去想。
女人覺得男人會在愛情得到手後事事變得沒有要求, 沒有所謂。
其實, 這也是事實。
從男人的層面去看, 女人愛得越久就越多要求。
在接受追求的階段, 只要女人對那個男人受落, 便不惜紆尊降貴, 就算去茶餐廳飲杯檸檬茶也會覺得浪漫。
女人在戀愛的初期是最容易哄, 而且要求很低, 忍耐力極強, 性格十分大方。
可惜, 女人愛把期望提高, 若男人要長期達標, 就必定要擁有萬二分的能耐。
到最後, 男人認為大部份的女人都是諸多要求, 愛發脾氣。
兩個人, 一個得寸進尺, 一個退而求其次, 結果大家愛到兩頭不到岸, 最後就只剩下一個"悶"字和一個"煩"字。
女人眼中的絕世好男友, 就是心細如塵, 懂得在適當的時候作出適當關懷的男人。
不是偏幫男人, 我認為可以做到以上這一點的確很難。
這是因為女人在不自覺地改變期望的同時, 往往不願給予對方一個清晰的指引。
女人 認為男人是有義務去預計自己的改變。
說到這裡, 我們會發現兩人要保持生活長久的精彩, 男女雙方都有責任。
女人除了要接受男人是懶惰的動物外, 亦不要誤解男人變悶的原因。
悶, 等於失去創意, 但並不等於把喜歡妳的程度降溫。
就是因為喜歡妳, 才會把妳視作家人, 才會把習慣成了自然。
如果男人是一個喜歡多采多姿, 日日懂得製造浪漫的人, 女人反而要提高警覺。
另一方面, 男人也要繼續發揮工作上的上進精神, 戒掉惰性, 把自己的才華和細心保持, 令你喜歡的人天天幸福。
要維持戀愛, 向來就是不簡單。
A friend of mine directed me to this article on a chinese forum. A lot of us (boys) agree with it. I'ma try and translate it to English. Forgive my poor translating skills. To cover the bases, the article is posted by poemny from uwants.com
Girls think that the longer the boy is in love, the less emotion there is.
This situation can be split into 2 point of views.
The girls POV and the guy's POV.
From the girl's POV, after the relationship settles and is stable, the boy will become lazy.
The surprises and the creativity during the courtship is gone.
During the first few stages of being in the relatioship, the passion and emotions, are gone too.
The boys won't go out with them, and won't spend hours on the phone with you as often.
It get's more plain and dull the longer the relationship is.
In the end, the girl will find that a large number of the boys only want to hide at home and rest. Even going out for a meal is a chore to them.
The girls think that after the boys finally get into the relationship, there are no requirements anymore, no obligations.
This, is true.
The girls are just the opposite.
From the boy's POV, the longer the girl is in love/in a relationship, the more demanding she gets.
Ruring the courtship phase, when the girl is depressed or neglected, Even going out for a drink will be very romantic.
When the girl is in the initial stage of a relationship, her demands are low, she's very tolerant and open.
Sadly, girls have high expectations. If the guy wants a long term relationship, he must learn to be very, VERY tolerant and patient.
In the end, boys think that most girls have loads of demands and make a fuss/ get angry easily.
2 Persons, 1 wants more than he can get, the other backs off easily. In the end, the relationship is stuck in the middle, going nowhere, left with only boredom and frustration.
In the eys of a girl, the perfect guy is one who is very, very attentive, sensitive, and knows the suitable time to show her care and affection.
I think it is very difficult for a man who isn't leaning to one side to do the above things.
This is because when a girl unconsciously changes her expectation, at the same time, she does not give a sufficiently clear indication to the dude.
Girls think boys should already have the initiative to change themselves for the better.
In other words, girls think that boys should know what to do before the girl even hints at it.
Until here, we will realize that to ensure that life still sparkles/ is interesting, both the girl and dude have responsibilities.
Besides accepting that men are lazy, women also shouldn't misunderstand the reasons why men are seemingly bored with love.
Being bored means to lose a bit of creativity, but it does not equate to the boy lessing his love for the girl.
It's because the dude likes the girl, that he thinks of her as family, and the the normal habits come out naturally.
(You know..like how we treat our own family..we love them...but we don't show it)
If the guy is instead someone who wants everyday to be fun, upbeat and romantic, then the girl should be wary.
On the other hand, the man should know how to improve himself, get rid of lazyness, maintain his talent and sensitivity, and make the person you love feel grateful and happy every single day.
To maintain a relationship/ a love, is never easy.
The road to love is never straight.
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