Thursday, September 04, 2008

Exam over dah

They thought they could get at us by having another exam during the first semester. They FAELED!!! AHAHHAA. The exams are over. Mine ended on Wednesday. Final paper for Pure Maths. I forgot to do part of a question. But what's done is done.

Enjoy Mode On

Anyways, played a lot of basketball today. We turned up for Physics lecture though. Kit and Fai were sitting to my left while Kok Liang was to my right. All 3 of them were sleeping at one time or the other O_O. After physics, we played a bit more basketball then left. The cockroach was wearing a godawful sports attire . Blecch O_o. Couldn't stand him.

We'll be going to Red Box Plus tomorrow. I think.

In the mean time, Cyas.

(Your blogger who has a lack of ideas)


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