Friday, November 10, 2006

She promised..... ;_;

First Pn. Zaireen said that she'd give us our English papers on Wednesday..Well a friend asked her and she said she'd give it to us on Thursday..Thursday came and she told me that she wasn't feeling well and had left it at home..So I asked her today and she said she still wasn't feeling well and she'd give it to us Tuesday...Graaa...*kneels down*..Please...gimme my BI's the only hope I have left *sniffles*...In other news...Sources say that there are murderous monkeys on the rooftop of the school..Just yesterday I saw one aiming a banana at me....Luckily it decided that keeping the food was better than throwing it at me...I'll search for that damned fur-ridden mammal as soon as I get me some bait..Till then..Nights =)


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