Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Book Of Love

If you recognize this song, then you, my friend, should have already watched Shall We Dance. I watched it more for Richard Gere than J.Lo's butt. But (heh heh) seriously, is there really a book of love ? the song said, we're all always too young to know..(Except grandparents, grandparents are the exception. No matter what, your grandparents have read the book and they can recall anything from it whenever you ask). I'll be darned if I don't need the book now. Love is quite a stranger to me. In fact, it seems like I'm a hobo and love goes out of it way to avoid me. It'd rather jump off a building than face me.

(As you can see, I'm typing in random mode tonight, because really..I'm thinking too much about some other some other time..Have a good one =) )


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