Tuesday, June 12, 2007

And time....goes by.....so quickly....

Mweh heh heh...Holidays are over..School has restarted..And I'm still single (No questions there XD)...The holidays were weird to say the least.....And I'm not going into detail lol...The only thing is that I went to Thailand on the first Friday of the holidays and came back on Sunday..Bought some stuff..specifically an album and a Button-up shirt..nothing else....Oh yeah..bought a set of Butterfly table tennis nets..But that's it..because I couldn't find any Original games worth buying XD..

I went to school with mixed emotions yesterday....it lasted for only a while though..cause heh...a few minutes among the guys and I was all right already....I mean..as all right as a guy who wants to talk to a girl but doesn't have the guts to can be =)....Of course..there was bad news..First of all..we already knew that Pn. Mazuva would be leaving us..well..she's gone..I'll miss her...She's so open-minded and fun..now..a woman called Pn. Akmar is going to teach is Biology...God I hope I don't fail..second bad news...They've extended the class periods on Friday!! Now..we only get to leave at 12.30..half an hour later than before..Daym that ..headmistress -_-...

I've ordered Guild Wars...of course..when/if (=P) I save enough I'll get Factions and Nightfall too..not to mention their soon to be coming expansion "Eye Of The North"...but then I saw on their website that Guild Wars 2 (Yes.. 2 ! TWO!!) will be coming out in 2008 or sometime then.......At that moment..my head was screaming expletives....On another note..I saw an article that states that the popular Dragon Ball franchise will now include a MMORPG..slated for beta testing next year..I think..Heh..I've gotten hooked on Dragon Ball.. never mind that it's been a long time and ...I love it..Heh..I even went to Borders and finished reading the English translated version of it..only Dragon Ball though...not Dragon Ball Z.....So now..my wish list is =
1) Studio Ghibli Collection
2) Slam Dunk anime
3) Dragon Ball manga and anime
4)Masked Rider series (blush)
5)A girlfriend
6)..10k in cash..cause my dream rig costs about that much =)

(The fifth one can be ignored..I could strike the lottery before that happened =P)

Jah..That's about it..I'm still dreading the Exam Results...*shivers*...I haven't failed any subjects and I hope I won't....Heh..well that's about it..Cheers =)

Oh yeah..final bad news...P.J. is now the first 2 periods on Thursday..this automatically means that we lose the first period..don't ask why..anybody from SBS should understand...Again...woe is us =)


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