Saturday, May 19, 2007

*emerges from the battlefield of pen,pencil and test pads*

Bwahaha..Exams are over..for the time being..I didn't even post the whole time....because I was afraid that I would cry over the damned stupid stuff I wrote down ...

*In the first place..the chef should already have his own pot or the kitchen should already have one suitable for use..but since the restaurant was ransacked last night...all the pots have been let's help the chef make a new one ^^*

Anyways..the holidays start in a week...and then..fug..preparation for another exam..(..preparation for the other guys anyways..I can't prepare oO)..And no..I'm still failing in relationships =(

Oh yeah..I'm gonna start buying books from Borders now....I musta read every browsing copy of Wolverine comics there..But no..I'm not buying comics..At first I wanted to buy Icewind Dale stories..Hardcover..But it's hard enough to find the books in chronological order...Plus..the price for each one is around..Rm100+...I checked..and there are at least 15 books....*shivers*...Borders also has the complete collection of Calvin and Hobbes comics from 1985-1995..That'd be Rm600......And I don't got no money :'(.....Soooo..I'm settling for 3 Halo the first one already..gotta get another one the mean time..happy gaming peeps =)

*..Heh..Manchester United Vs Chelsea on now........EMMM YOU!!!!!!*