Monday, April 16, 2007

Curse you Rain!

I'm cursing both the rain and also that korean dude..but we won't be talking about the dude..we'll be talking about the wee droplets today...Why ? Because after running like a demon possessed to a friend's car (I had my hands up in the air and I screamed " GET OUT OF THE BLOODY WAY!! THERE'S A BOMB IN MY PANTS!!" all the way to the car )...okay no I didn't..but I did run as fast as I could..when my friend and her mother got in the car..I rushed to the car kinda wet..but not TOO her mom dropped me off at the traffic light and lent me her umbrella..Things weren't too bad..sure..the moment I stepped my foot out of the car my shoe got wet cause the waterlevel was rising at the particular part of the road..but biggie..I cross the road to the opposite traffic light..The first foot I put on the grass and 'whoosh'...I fell down...*Way to go've just embarrassed yourself in front of a pretty girl..and Also her mother OO*..Not looking back..and ignoring the pain..I picked the umbrella and ran towards could say that after the fall..avoiding the rain was a waste of time..cause I was already all wet....I've already taken a schoolbag is wet and my uniform has leaves and grass all over it...My right hand and my back also hurt..So yeah..curse you, Rain!

*Seriously...I fuggin fell down at a bloody traffic light at a crossroads..viewers from all sides.....I can hear the commentators now "Great Scot! He just dived! Call the referee !!"*

**Though..maybe they didn't notice that I fell........yeah right.... in the same way other people don't notice if you keep on scratching your crotch in public -_-...(which I do _NOT_ do XD)**


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