Few more days left
Agh..Few more days left..I've only been trying to revise Sejarah. Got tips from the "Pizza Hut" Seminar, Loga's seminar and some from my friend. After comparing, I see some recurring chapters. Gonna focus on that.
I went to school today. Since it was the last day for Form 5's and all. It was a _waste_ of time. Seriously. I mean..the 4 songs we had to sing today were fugged up. The slowed down the tempo. So everything was dragged out O_O. Then the Form 3's started hosting the perhimpunan. They had performances and a sketch show. I don't mean to be mean (Heh)..But I came to listen to some talks..or maybe look at girls (Fine..I came to look at girls..She didn't come today..so what..It's just wishful thinking)....
After the show, perhimpunan officially ended. The Form 5's were supposed to go to the Hall Of Fame for a talk on Biology. Or so I heard. We all just sat there till recess because nobody BLOODY showed up. I decided there and then to go back home. I had some food during recess, waited a bit till after 11.20am..and walked out. =)
That's about it I guess. Good luck all y'all ^^
PS New song by 阿杜. It's called 差一点 or translated (by my poor skills), "Nearly". And I love it =P
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