PMR ?..Why yes..I do have vague memories of it..
Good luck to all the people who are taking the PMR tomorrow. My sister's taking it tomorrow too..She's kinda worried but she's bloody smart..O_O
Our house didn't have water yesterday, no idea why. Had to get water from the main hose in front of the house into a pail and take it to the back of the house where the bathroom is. My arms hurt.
Okay, I'm going to continue this post with another idiom. "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Parents usually tell this to their young children. My definition for this would be words are just that, words. They can't beat you up or murder you. (Unless you shout into my ear, then you merit a death by my own hands.) Sticks and stones, however, will break your
So, why oh why, can't I truly embrace this idiom? Why can't I bloody get it into my head?! Why is it that I am so easily hurt by words ? Why are my actions governed by what Other people say ? Why the FUG can't I stop using "why" ?!?!?!
The thing is, I criticise myself too much. As such, when people talk about me, I feel even worse. "Lighten up", I tell myself. It just doesn't work for me. I can be in a good mood at the start of the morning, and then just mention something that's really bugging me and 'bam', I'll be frowning the whole day...*sighs*.. Anyway..that's all for today.
*After watching Sinking Of Japan. I now have a dream. I'm going to learn Japanese just so I can go to Japan. Then I'll get me a job there doing gawd-knows-what and travel all over Japan. Because that place is so beautiful..the temples, the scenery and the people ( heh heh).*
** Oh yeah..I might be changing the layout of the blog soon. It's gonna be a bit different from what it looks like now.**
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