Monday, December 10, 2007

It's funny

I don't like endings you know. I most definitely don't like bad endings, and even if it's a Happy ending, it's still the end. I remember once in a Calvin and Hobbes strip that Calvin's Dad was telling them a bedtime story. At the end, he told them that the story never, ever ends. That they would continue the story every day. I'd love for that kind of story =)

And that is why I'm feeling a bit down. I've just finished a manga recently. It's called Ichigo 100. And I love the story, the characters...well..I love everything about it. And I didn't even know that author was a female until I was just about finishing the whole series. I've bee trying to find some anime based on the manga. So Far, I've bought 2 DVDs based on the manga. Haven't finished either, cause I'm gonna savour every bit of it ^^


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