DX ereh llits m'I
Okie dokie now. I'm here. I'm alive. I take my AS starting on Wednesday. I'm done with my MUET exams. I hope I get good results. I don't think I'll be able to get a band 6 since I screwed up on some parts. But heck. I got to practice with girls every Tuesday. w00t.
I can't say much. There's not a lot of thingeys to say. My weeks have been routine.
I mean, we did go for a movie last week. Ex-Men Origins : Wolverine. It was nice. But most of the best parts was already in the trailer. Also, we finally went for a Karaoke session at Neway. Gods it's been a long time. My girly voice needs training. I'm losing my touch. Maybe I'm finally going to become a real man XD.
Anyways, I'll try and post again in the not too distant future.
Cheers =)