Thursday, November 30, 2006

What Have I Been Doing

....You say ? went for my first day of tuition at Berjasa Pudu yesterday..It's not bad..The only reason I'm there is because A.P. has moved to KL..and I swore that I'd never go to Martin..I saw some people I used to know there..My primary schoolmates and some dudes from my old secondary school Stella Maris. The physics/chem teacher is good too..But will somebody make him stop grabbing my pen and then using it when I'm doing something ? OO

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Nothing here..Move Along..

Please move behind the tape people..I'm sorry..But the post that was originally here has been stolen..We received an anonymous phone call by a person with a girly voice who said that there'd be a post robbery tonight..When we arrived at the scene..The post was all but gone..Anyone who has info about this should call 019-N-O-T-H-I-N-G H-E-R-E...Thank you and have a good day.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Mah Egg >_<

No....It's not something perverted..I'm referring to the egg I was gonna make together with my instant noodles..I didn't wanna put it in first because it usually sticks to the bottom if I don't move it around..So I decided that I'd pour the egg white and yolk after I took the noodles out..Now...When I put the egg in..I'm normally prepared for the foamy white stuff that'll be coming soon..But not this time Oo..This time..My egg burst oO..As in..It was all solid and boiled (on the outside anyways) and stuff...Then suddenly..the egg yolk bursts..and I have scrambled eggs..It happened like this..The stove was on maximum heat..And the middle of the pan had bubbles coming out as if Godzilla himself was emerging from my pan..So I push the egg towards the bubbly mini-fountain..Then all of a sudden..BAM!..I'm seeing yellow stuff all over oO..(I do _not_ feel dirty for saying that)...And my pwoor egg is all scrambled >_<...*sighs*...On the other hand..I went to Jusco today to buy some coloured paper for the projects..I saw some schoolmates..Mostly dating..Heh....Hell will freeze over before that happens to me =)

Nights all

Sunday, November 26, 2006

My mind wanders so easily...

Yeah..I'm gonna write this first before I forget it XD..My mind wanders the dude who sometimes posts for me..the mind which y' supposed to be focusing on things..It started out like this..I was on wikipedia trying to look up some info to finish the g'damned biology project...After searching about ecology..Suddenly my mind goes to other things..All of a sudden..I'm searching for Roger Moore, Pierce Brosnan, Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman and other people. Hecks, I'm even looking at Al Pacino's career..I like the guy =)..Then later..I'm looking up the military ranks in the US and also Malaysia...And I just forget about the project..After about 30 minutes of other stuff..I finally get back to the project..but my mind's a blank oO..Anyways..that's it I guess..Nights ^^

Friday, November 24, 2006

I'm a blankie XD's avoiding posting again....The blastard..He's been laughing his head off today cause he watched 3 Stephen Chow movies in a row....Yes yes..we all know that he's too lazy to get out of the'm here to be a filler..........Problem is..I have no idea what to say.....

OH screw this!! Ima just tell you Kent's darkest secrets..Yeah bub..You hear me...All this time you force me to bloody post for you...well Pah!!..Here's what you get !! MWAHAHHA...

Secret No. 1
Kent sleeps with a --- WHa ?!! NO!!!!..GHCKKK

H'lo folks..Just er..Forget what my mind said just now..He was uh..just..em..drunk yeah..that's it.....Nights folks

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Feet =)

..Alright..I am so..very tired..I've been up since 6 walking around the place..So I'll make this short and sweet.

I saw Happy Feet today. I love Robin Williams.

Good Night.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Step up

Yeah..I saw the movie today..At first I wasn't quite sure if it was gonna be good...But hecks..I was wrong..It was very good..Funny too XD..The male lead is laid-back and casual..He's not very handsome (..I can just hear the angry shouts from the girls about now..)..But he's still very good =P..It's just too bad about the twist near the end :(..Oh wells..Nights all.

Be vewy qwiett.....

*this is Kent's mind here..Kent's still asleep at the moment..Too much gaming =) I had to knock him out with a bat at about 3:30 am when he kept on saying 'all your base are belong to us'. I've been up since 5:55 am..Had to take _his_ dog for a walk.....And while I walked the dog..I looked up and guess what I saw ? A whole bunch o' stars ^^ (And one bat flew past me)..I'm not talking about 1 or 2 stars that peek at you..But a whole group of em...But they pale in comparison to the sights I saw in Thailand...But on the other hand..It's been a loong time since I've seen stars in K.L..damn pollution...Anyways..I'll go now and watch the sunrise..with popcorn*

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I've just been to Sungai Wang..We had some ice-cream at Svensen's XD...We also bought some DVDs to watch..(Though..I still have loads I haven't watched yet)..Now..the part related to the title..I was walking past the elevator..When the door opened..I saw that they had a metal pole from floor to ceiling inside...Now I'm just wondering..But why..the h-e-c-k would you put a metal pole inside an elevator ? It's kinda in the middle too..Say I'm a worker there and I have to transport a big box or something..well..big..wouldn't the pole stand in the way? ..Or mebbe..they have strip shows in the elevators after hours ??!!?!..Mebbe like..after 11pm..the girls go inside..and anyone who wants to watch has to pay a fee..And they ride form the ground floor to the top about 3 times..that's the duration for each session ?...Cause if it's true..I am soooo ther...I mean uh...Ima report to the police !...(As soon as I get some pictures for proof of course)

Monday, November 20, 2006

Happy Birthday Mom =)

Yeah..It's my mom's birthday tomorrow..I'm still wracking my head thinking what I should buy her...Maybe a bouquet of roses ? >_<...Butttt..We baked a cake together =) *..Don't bloody look at me like that..I did help !!*.And it was awesome..Almonds, Chocolate,Vanilla..and ..dammit..More chocolate ! XD..I was gonna dump some Toblerone inside too but she snatched it away ....Anyways..I told her that I'd accompany her the whole day..And..gawd..that's what I did OO..We had a one day trip around KL using all the transportation available =P..Monorail..Buses..Hecks..I even went to the J.W. Marriot and asked for the room rates..(....not..)..I did not buy any stuff though..Too expensive =P..So Ima sneak out tomorrow when they're all out ( sis..she be learning Japanese now...And the girls there are hot OO) and see if I can find a suitable gift ..Nights.

PS..*Ignore what my mind says..It gets drunk often*

Sunday, November 19, 2006

He's running away!

*this is Kent's consciousness again....No..the dude did _not_ get hammered tonight..But he's too lazy to write something here..So guess what the lazy bum did ? He makes his mind do the bloody lazy can you bloody get man ?!...And he's stupid too..He had to go all "'s boring..I'ma head out to the lake and have some fresh air"..Pah..Then it rained...Sure..He went "So ?..It's so tranquil when it rains"....Yeah..Say that to me when you're sick, bub....Seriously..Any of you reading this....Hit him over the head for me the next time you see him....H-A-R-D..*

...wha ?

*this is Kent's consciousness...the dude got hammered at a party earlier..Reports say that he had at least 3 shots of vodka and more than 2 glasses of wine..And a few glasses of cocktails...It's not confirmed yet but I think he's also singing "I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane" from Armageddon...I don't know what the fug this guy is thinking and I'm not staying to find out. If you folks need me, I'll be around when Kent's awake and sober..preferably with a severe hangover.*

Friday, November 17, 2006

The _real_ last day XD

Can you believe it ? The last day and they give us crap loads o' homework..Mostly BM stuff..Gawds..How am I ever gonna really enjoy the holidays?...Work aside....9 people came today in my class XD..Boring day..Near the end of the day..Pn Zaireen asked us to help move the benches for the teacher's photoshoot ..The agony oO...After that..I stayed for table tennis till like 4 pm ..I can't imagine that I spent the last day of school in school playing table tennis though heh..I gots problems XD

Thursday, November 16, 2006

The last day..

Well..not today dammit..I mean tomorrow....Today was well..sucky is too soft a word...(and too oft used by me =P)...The almighty Pengetua wanted to talk to us about our results this year....So..She gathered us all at the back o' the office and then proceeded to tell us each classes' results..As in..How many A's,B's,C's,D's,E's,F's,U's,C's....I mean uh...Fails..yeah....So also said that she'd call all those who failed to stand in year =P..I'm still safe ^^..yeah er..Today..hmm..well..Lemme see..We finally got back our locker key deposits..I apologize to Yee Jin here..I had no idea you were asleep in the other class XD..Anyways..we seem to have a physics project to complete during the holidays..that plus a whole book of physics exercises (sans answer sheet) and a Set of exercises for Modern Maths...I mean..How the heck am I supposed to waste all my time during the holidays ?!?!..

Back to the title..Tomorrow is the last day..After tomorrow..We'll all go our separate ways..(For a few weeks anyways XD..So then..let's say ..(I repeat...let's s-a-y) I have something for someone...But I'm too much of a wuss to say it..Mainly cause I be a coward and I be afraid...What the heck should I do ?..Of course..I'm just saying =P...

Nights all

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A day at Times Square

Yeah um..Forgive me for not posting yesterday..But I reckon It don't matter much..Anyways..Some of us thought it'd be good to go for an outing today..So yeah..10 of use went to Times Square....We wanted to watch a movie first but the girls wanted to go to RedBox first to sing their hearts out..We, being the gentlemen *laff* that we were..We decided to go to RedBox in Sungai Wang first..And god damn it if it wasn't hot in there..It was still as hot when we changed to another room..That was my first time at a karaoke joint..The rooms had some funky UV light that made white clothes glow..the girls screamed along the way...My ears hurt..I sang just a few songs..Or should I say..I mumbled ^^ Anyways..The total cost came to about Rm 80 inclusive of 10 plates of sucky spaghetti...It was nice of them to give us an extra hour though =P...Neways after that, we watched The Covenant...It wasn't bad..But it wasn't very scary either...I mean..the only nearly-scary part was when the Darkling appeared...Pffft...Then we went to the arcade to shoot some arms hurt again =P....I had a go at those Japanese drum thingeys too..I missed a beat though :(...And then we got a taxi and went home...I'm typing this in a rush though....I have something to do heh...Catch ya laters

Monday, November 13, 2006

DMC needs a gamepad ?!

Aww man...I just installed DMC 3 for the PC...( I don't have a PS2..and my parents won't lemme buy one)...Anyways..I found out that the game allows you to use a keyboard to play..the controls are a bit weird...I can manage..But most of the attacks require the use of the analog stick...Unfortunately..The game doesn't have an analog stick configuration built in..It seems that I need to plug in joystick to play properly >_<...Worst of friggin all..Even if I do get the joystick..There's still more crap to configure before the left analog stick even responds.....Me sadd... :(

Sunday, November 12, 2006


Yeah..It's finally done...Hard drive has been scrubbed and re-scrubbed...There's now a load of space for me to finally install all those games I've downloaded and been itching to play..Nothing can stop me now ^^..Kay then..Nights..

Be gone, foul beast..

Yeah um.....They say it's recommended to purge your computer once in a while..specifically..Uninstall the evil that is Windows and format the hard drive, then reinstall the evil again...And that's what I'm gonna do. In a few minutes..I'll be using some holy water and sprinkling it on the casing of the cpu...I just hope it doesn't get through the casing oO....

Saturday, November 11, 2006

\/\/|-|47 ?! 1 607 b0r3|)...

Yeah er..I was gonna type the whole post today in the l337 language..But it'd hurt my eyes and head more than It'd hurt yours =P..Anyways..I asked my parents today If I could go work at the Black Canyon Coffee outlet in Jusco Maluri..They said no..Something about me turning into a money crazed kid..So heh..There went my cash to upgrade the comp...I'm kinda bummed though..Cause I mean..I ain't gonna be learning stuff during the holidays..(not my parents fault..Gawds no..They want me to learn either German,French or god forgive me for saying it...Japanese)..But I'm just not that interested in learning a new language >_<..'cept for Russian..I kinda like Russian heh..So I had thought that with a job I'd at least have something to do..But now that plan has been ruined...I will have to spend the holidays at home..Occasionally going out...if not..Just walking around the lake...I mean..Yeah..If I had a girl living nearby it'd be fun..But I don't....Daym it....oh and by the way...The stains on my uniform haven't cleared yet..I'm thinking of using a combination of Dettol,Dynamo,Varnish,Jeep to clean it..I hope nothing bad happens ^^

L0|\|9 L1\/3 7|-|3 /\/\07|-|3|2L4\|\||)

Friday, November 10, 2006

She promised..... ;_;

First Pn. Zaireen said that she'd give us our English papers on Wednesday..Well a friend asked her and she said she'd give it to us on Thursday..Thursday came and she told me that she wasn't feeling well and had left it at home..So I asked her today and she said she still wasn't feeling well and she'd give it to us Tuesday...Graaa...*kneels down*..Please...gimme my BI's the only hope I have left *sniffles*...In other news...Sources say that there are murderous monkeys on the rooftop of the school..Just yesterday I saw one aiming a banana at me....Luckily it decided that keeping the food was better than throwing it at me...I'll search for that damned fur-ridden mammal as soon as I get me some bait..Till then..Nights =)

Thursday, November 09, 2006

..I got meh some PRI ZASTSSS!!!

Heh heh..Today was Hari Koko..or something..I didn't want to come at first..I was gonna let somebody represent me and take my prizes for me..But then I decided..Hey..what the fug...These things don't come often..So yeah..I woke up early for a shower..Halfway through my very..very relaxing shower..A friend called and asked me if I was going to school..So there I was..All wet and shivering..standing in my toilet and chatting with him for a bit..I'm lucky I didn't fall sick..the air cond' unit was still on and the wind kept on rushing over me =P...After arriving at school, I looked around and saw nearly no one who was Form 4...*shocked*..But then I saw Eric..Then Yee Hang ....then gradually the other fellows..But overall..not many people were present..Pn. Ng organized us into rows..And we sat there listening to her ordering the other students who were receiving presents to sit down..Halfway through, I was asked to help get the hampers for the table tennis competition to the tarmac...After nearly breaking my arms (..Those things are heavy Oo) We went for recess....I uh..well..the noodles slipped and went all over my uniform...I couldn't receive a prize looking like that...So I had to borrow some money from a friend and buy a Baju PJ..(I borrowed RM 11..and then another ringgit to buy a drink..I'm so broke now)...Just to receive a prize XD..But gawds it was so worth it..I got 2 hampers and a medal ^^ *I'm still smiling as I type this XD*....Performances were great too..The scripted Tae Kwon Do sparring was awesome too heh...Neways..With the food in the hamper..I won't have to starve during the holidays =)..Nights all

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Playing safe..

Before that..I think the people present today was more or less the same with yesterday..We did the same stuff too..They had a full rehearsal today..So yeah..I was stuck in class playing table tennis...No cards since it was confiscated yesterday :( So yeah...I'm here to talk about something.The title of this post mainly...Yesterday when we were playing cards..I got a Straight Flush..Stupidly, when it was my turn..I decided to pass even though my friend urged me to put the Straight Flush to play....Afterwards..I lost the game..Another friend looked at my cards and just yelled "Why the &*^) did you keep the Straight Flush? What are you keeping it for ? Boiling porridge ??!!"...Or something like that heh XD..After this..I realized that I do most things with the phrase "play safe" in my mind...When I play table tennis...I always defend..I seldom attack...When I play basketball..I also defend..I'd rather pass the ball than storm the front.....And even with my emotions, I play safe.....I'm 100% sure that if I fancy this girl..I wouldn't even give her a hint about it..much less just tell her....For fear of 'losing' (getting hurt, I mean)......Heck..I don't even try new things often..My classmates like to go to the karaoke and line up for concerts and generally do what teens do nowadays..I sit at home or just have a walk around the lake....I know it's stupid, this attitude of mine..but it's hard to change..And it makes me feel angry at myself a bit..But..It's me..And I guess...I'll just live with it..

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

15 people present

Yeah..Out of the 34 students in my class..Only 15 were present..I just crossed out the 'tidak' word in the "pelajar yang tidak hadir" title of the buku kawalan and wrote in the present student's names heh heh..Anyways..No events before recess..Table tennis and just chatted with some friends..After recess they had a rehearsal..I face a dilemma..On Thursday, those who attend must wear the uniform of their uniformed unit..If least the t-shirt of the unit..Unfortunately, I don't have either..So I guess I'm gonna miss out on Thursday heh..And it's official now..I've failed physics...Oh the sadness :(

Monday, November 06, 2006

Start worrying OO

Before what the title says..The school had a discipline forum today..we spent nearly all the periods before recess listening to Mr. Loga explaining some of the rules in the rulebook. After recess, we had to sing patriotic songs..namely Negaraku and the Lagu Bestari...Mucho time spent standing and singing heh..After that we went back to class with about..1 and a half hour till class ends....So we did what ? Why...we spent the time playing table tennis and cards..this time, the table tennis was played on 3 tables only..damn narrow space XD..A few minutes before class ended..The HORRORS..Some of the girls let us see a sheet of paper..on that sheet of paper was our results..all of 'em 'cept for BI and physics....Bloody hell if that didn't give me a bad mood... :( ......Then they added that only 5 people passed for physics...And I don't think I'm one of those smart ones......*sighs*..depressed am I....Oh well..Cyas

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Blogger is messing with me oO

Yeah..blogger's not indexing some of my old posts oO..And sometimes a post just disappears...Very wierd.Doesn't matter though XD..Anyways..the Astro is back..Any longer and we woulda just cut it anyways =) Took the laptop to Lowyat today..Unfortunately the Asus service center was closed..asked some other shops and they said that the battery was fried..That's gonna cost about..2 to 3 hundred..I guess we're just gonna use the AC supply for now...saw some cool phones in's too bad I can't buy em..*sighs*...another week has come..I'm not so sure I can take any more of this..I just wanna get all the results and sit back and relax in class..I don't want to have to worry...>_<..

I was wrong heh

Yeah..the party happened...I missed it..ya see..I had asked the guy holding the party to call me or message me about 4 or 5 times on Friday night and also Saturday (the party was gonna be held at night on Saturday) morning and afternoon..I told him to message me or call me if the party was gonna happen or if it was gonna be canceled..the bugger did not call me until the party was happening....he assumed that I didn't want to go..Well blast it then..Why did I keep on telling him to tell me if the party was still on ?!...Damn my stupid brain..I shoulda just called him and not asked him to call me back about 4 or 5 times..Damn me..Damn me all to *censored*..

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I am sooooo tired...

Mweh...Fewer people are coming to class now..I think we only had about 20 peoples in our class today heh..First two periods was P.J....Luckily my class wasn't picked to be spot-checked...Unfortunately, our P.J. was A.W.O.L (that's Away Without Our Leave)..So we just changed into our P.J. (that is _not_ pyjamas) and played some table tennis..After P.J..we went back to class for English...Pn. Zaireen said she had to go somewhere so she only wanted to finish up our oral and would give out English papers tomorrow..after she left..shucks..more table tennis in class XD..we have a make-up tennis table at the back of the class using our own class's 2 by 3 =P.....After English was Maths I think..but our teacher was absent Pn. Azila came in..We asked her if she would let us continue playing in class..and she allowed us..after asking my classmates if they didn't mind if we continued playing XD...After recess was Chemistry....Damned if my results weren't sucky...We got our paper 1 and 3 results..paper 2 is due tomorrow..Hope I don't fail..Add. Maths was after that..We continued table tennis..and also played cards class is ebil beyond words ^^...After school..More table tennis.....My legs already feel like jelly..I'm very tired..So I'm signing off now..Nights =)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Results season....break out the morphine please be the time..YAR!!....Tis the time for them exam results to surface..And no amount of praying be doin' me good yar!

Neways..I've gotten my History,Add. Maths and E.S.T marks already. I'm happy to say that I didn't fail any of them...But I'm really worried about my Maths OO (I'm not quite sure if there's anybody who worries bout maths more than add.maths)...And all the other science subjects of course..and Moral..*sighs*..Anyways..We played table tennis in class today..Pn/Mrs.Ms/ Parimala told us off for playing in the class..And I had a table tennis bat smash into my head...S'all right though (if anyone cares XD )..Cause I was watching this damned funny book and I was controlling the urge to laugh out at that time =P...After school..we stayed back again to play some more table tennis...Left at about 4:15 or something heh..Tired day..Oh well..Hope I don't fail any subjects tomorrow..please please please..

Nights folks ^^